Working with cats in fashion shoots

Working with cats in fashion shoots can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. These adorable creatures are known for their playful and unpredictable behavior, but with a little patience and preparation, you can create stunning photos that showcase both the clothes and the cats. Here are some tips to help you work with feline friends in fashion shoots.

  1. Choose the right cats: Not all cats are comfortable with being handled and photographed. Some breeds, such as Siamese and Bengal cats, tend to be more social and outgoing, while others, such as Persian cats, may be more laid back and independent. When selecting cats for a fashion shoot, it's essential to choose cats that are well-behaved, friendly, and relaxed around people and other animals.

  2. Familiarize the cats with the environment: Before the shoot, take some time to introduce the cats to the studio or location where the shoot will take place. Allow them to explore the space and get comfortable with their surroundings. This will help reduce their stress levels during the shoot.

  3. Get a handler: Having a handler who is experienced with cats can be a valuable asset during a fashion shoot. A handler can help manage the cats, keep them calm and ensure their safety throughout the shoot.

  4. Plan the shoot: Plan out the shoot in advance to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Decide on the poses, lighting, and background that you want to use. Work with the handler to determine the best way to position the cats for each shot.

  5. Use treats and toys: Cats can be motivated by treats and toys, so use them to your advantage during the shoot. You can use treats to encourage the cats to stay in place, and toys to get their attention and keep them entertained.

  6. Be patient: Cats can be unpredictable, so it's essential to be patient during the shoot. Don't force the cats into poses that make them uncomfortable, and don't rush the shoot. Instead, take your time and let the cats relax and settle into their surroundings.

  7. Get down to their level: To create the most engaging shots, it's essential to get down to the cat's level. Get on the floor, and shoot from their perspective to capture their unique point of view.

In conclusion, working with cats in fashion shoots can be a lot of fun and an excellent opportunity to showcase your creativity. By following these tips, you can create beautiful and memorable photos that highlight both the cats and the clothes. With a little patience, preparation, and a few treats, you can create stunning images that you and your feline friends will cherish for years to come.

Written by Lyd Bechard

Photographer/Creative Director @santomuse

Model/Glam/stylist @Juliarta.santo


Jewellery @je.vole.handmade.jewellery


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